Name: | df1594b9d49f |
Sex: | Female |
Level: | 735 |
Vocation: | Elite Knight |
Achievement Points: | 166 |
Achievement Rank: | Explorer |
Bosstiary Points: | 675 |
Charm Points: | 3.573 |
Charm Runes: | Freeze, Zap, Dodge |
Last Login: | 06 Dec 2024, 16:33 → 06 Dec 2024, 17:08 |
Residence: | Edron |
Created at: | 28 Jul 2024, 10:38 |
Account Status: | Free Account |
Skull Type: | None |
Notifications: | 0 of 3 (3 = 24 hours ban) |
Ban Status: | None |
Comment: |
- |
Date | Experience |
Today | No experience gained in this time. |
Yesterday | No experience gained in this time. |
16/01/2025 | No experience gained in this time. |
15/01/2025 | No experience gained in this time. |
14/01/2025 | No experience gained in this time. |
13/01/2025 | No experience gained in this time. |
12/01/2025 | No experience gained in this time. |
11/01/2025 | No experience gained in this time. |
Name | Grade | Points [+] Show all [-] Show less |
Amateur Actor | 2 | |
Archpostman | 3 | |
Bearhugger | 1 | |
Becoming a Bigfoot | 1 | |
Berserker | 3 | |
Call Me Sparky | 1 | |
Champion of Chazorai | 4 | |
Chequered Teddy | 1 | |
Crystal Keeper | 1 | |
Crystals in Love | 1 | |
Death Song | 3 | |
Demonbane | 6 | |
Demonic Barkeeper | 3 | |
Depth Dwellers | 3 | |
Do Not Disturb | 1 | |
Efreet Ally | 3 | |
Elite Hunter | 5 | |
Fata Morgana | 2 | |
Friend of the Apes | 4 | |
Gear Up | 3 | |
Gnome Friend | 2 | |
Gnome Little Helper | 1 | |
Gnomelike | 3 | |
Gnomish Art Of War | 3 | |
Godslayer | 4 | |
Grinding Again | 1 | |
Guardian Downfall | 4 | |
High Inquisitor | 5 | |
Hissing Downfall | 2 | |
Honorary Barbarian | 1 | |
Honorary Gnome | 4 | |
Huntsman | 2 | |
I Like it Fancy | 1 | |
Invader of the Deep | 2 | |
Keeper of the Flame | 2 | |
Let the Sunshine In | 1 | |
Loyal Lad | 1 | |
Make a Wish | 1 | |
Marid Ally | 3 | |
Master Thief | 4 | |
Matchmaker | 1 | |
Natural Born Cowboy | 1 | |
Number of the Beast | 2 | |
One Foot Vs. Many | 1 | |
One Less | 2 | |
Pecking Order | 1 | |
Potion Addict | 4 | |
Rathleton Citizen | 1 | |
Rathleton Commoner | 1 | |
Rathleton Inhabitant | 1 | |
Recognised Trader | 3 | |
Rocket in Pocket | 1 | |
Seasoned Adventurer | 1 | |
Something's in There | 1 | |
Spore Hunter | 1 | |
Starless Night | 3 | |
Substitute Tinker | 1 | |
The Picky Pig | 1 | |
The Serpent's Bride | 2 | |
Turncoat | 4 | |
Wayfarer | 3 | |
Yalahari of Power | 3 | |
Go with da Lava Flow | 1 | |
The Professors Nut | 3 | |
Rathleton Squire | 1 | |
Millennial Falcon | 3 | |
Hunting Permit | 1 | |
Little Adventure | 1 | |
Contender | 3 | |
Skilled Hunter | 5 | |
Well Roared, Lion! | 1 | |
Errand Boy | 1 | |
Bibliomaniac | 3 | |
A Study in Scarlett | 3 |
Date | Details [+] Show all [-] Show less |
03 Nov 2024, 18:08 | Killed at level 641 by an icecold book Last Hit |
and by Alvo Severo Potter Most damage | |
734bf8eace1d, animated feather, squid warden.Involved | |
26 Oct 2024, 09:21 | Killed at level 609 by a ripper spectre Last Hit |
an arachnophobica Most damage | |
06 Oct 2024, 00:00 | Killed at level 540 by a werelioness Last Hit |
a werelion Most damage | |
16 Sep 2024, 19:16 | Killed at level 427 by a serpent spawn Last Hit |
souleater, hydra, eternal guardian, medusa, giant spider, carniphila, nightmare, spit nettle, sibang, ice golem, water elemental.Involved | |
24 Aug 2024, 22:46 | Killed at level 364 by a cobra assassin Last Hit |
and by Tiny Most damage | |
21 Aug 2024, 13:39 | Killed at level 350 by drume Last Hit |
grand chaplain gaunder of drume, lion knight of lion commander, lion archer of lion commander, lion warlock of lion commander.Involved | |
29 Jul 2024, 23:05 | Killed at level 82 by a cult believer Last Hit |
a renegade knight Most damage | |
df1594b9d49f, renegade knight, vicious squire.Involved |
Date | Details [+] Show all [-] Show less |
10 Aug 2024, 23:22 | Killed 720f4dce7f47 at level 199 (Justified) |